Supporters of our Annual Gala have provided a solid foundation on which to realize our dreams of future enhancements, growth, and development of our school and its programs. Click here for a history of our Call of the Heart campaigns, which have funded specific short-term projects.
The Vision 2022 campaign was established to celebrate St. Francis Xavier School’s centennial and to assist the school in achieving its overall mission and strategic long-term goals through capital investment of the time, talent, and treasure of our supporters.
To achieve our mission, we will strive to…
- Establish close relationships with all stakeholders to encourage them to take an active role in St. Francis Xavier School.
- Acquire funds for the school through “Vision 2022”. This campaign allows for gifts to be directed to tuition assistance, teacher salaries and professional development opportunities, technology in the classroom, or where most needed.
- Provide the facilities, furnishings, fixtures, equipment and technology for evolving educational programs.
As a member of the St. Francis Xavier community, you can help us meet our responsibilities today and build toward our future. Your investment will pay off for generations to come.
If you have any questions or would like to contribute to our efforts, please contact us at 508-995-4313 or by e-mail at